Best Fat Burning Workouts

One of the Best fat burning workouts is high intensity exercise. It is considered the most effective weight loss methods. Experts emphasize that this type of exercises will increase the rate at which you zap calories by almost 15%. High intensity exercises will extend the period of exercising benefits for several hours after you are done with your exercising session.
The reason for this type of caloric consumption is the workout routine called a super-set. With super set routines you do all your exercises back to back without taking a break or rest in between. It will be difficult and painful at the beginning but you won’t regret it. Metabolic surge during work-out is not the only benefit of supersets , but according to a scientific study conducted at Colorado State University, your body will continue this calories consumption and fat loss state at a high elevated rate for up to 16 hours after you leave the gym!best fat burning workouts


What is the Magic of This Type of Fat Burning Workouts?

The secret of high intensity interval training lays its ability to keep you losing fat even after your done with your exercise and leave the gym. Simply put, your body isn’t able to get enough oxygen during the periods of intense workout. Therefore, you accumulate a shortage of oxygen that must be replenished post-workout in order to get back to normal. The result – your metabolism is accelerated for hours after you leave the gym.

So How do you do Fat Losing Workouts:

Complete your weight loss workouts at least twice a week. opting for a exercise weights at which you can barely manage the last repetition of the final set with correct posture.

Recover Right

Proper recovery is the reason for feeling great and avoiding injury after your exercise.


Fat Burning Tips from Experts

We asked both fitness experts and Nutrition specialist for tips to ensure successful fat loss regiment. Here is what they advise:

  • During your exercise session

Drink only energy drinks that have a ratio of carbs to protein of 2:1: an energy drink that has approx. 24 grams of carbs  and 12 grams of protein would be great. For a DIY energy drink, mix six to eight ounces of Gatorade with a scoop of  whey protein powder.

  • Post fat burning workout session

Finish with 15 minutes of low-impact cardio exercises such as swimming, cycling, fast walking, etc. Eat right after you are done with your 15 minutes exercise. By then, sugar levels in your blood are low and your body needs to be fed right away. For a quick fix, you can prepare a healthy smoothie by mixing  a couple of cups of frozen berries with one cup of skim milk. Add a scoop of whey protein powder and a scoop of  greens powder. This mixture will help raise your blood sugar and provide you with healthy vitamins and minerals after your workout.

  • Second day after workout:

Keep your muscles from stiffening and getting sore with low impact and fun activities. Yoga classes, going for a walk, playing with the kids will be good choices.

Consistency is a key for weight loss success. Keep at it and you will start seeing real results in a very short time.

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What are the Best Fat Burning Workouts?

High intensity exercises are the latest practice and most effective in weight loss and fat burning workouts. Experts say that this type of exercises will heighten the rate at which you zap calories by 15% and extend the period of exercising benefits for hours after you are done with your exercising session. (more…)

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