Diabetes Meal Plans that Make Sense

Diabetes is a challenge.  Two words come to mind if you have the condition. Perseverance, and Consistency.  You have to have perseverance in order to manage your diabetes.  It is a life long condition and will require your lifelong attention.  You also need to be consistent.  In particular you need to be consistent in your eating choices.  Failure to do so could wreak havoc with your blood sugar.  Eating right is important.  Here are some things to keep in mind when it comes to diabetic diet meal plan.


Before we delve into that, a word of caution.  Consult with your physician before you start any diabetes meal plan.  This is wise for a few reasons.  They are familiar with your condition.  They are also familiar with your body make up.  They don’t run all of those tests at the doctor for no reason.  Your doctor knows what types of foods will go well with your particular body chemistry.  Make sure you run your diabetes meal plan past him or her.


Now as far as the diabetes meal plans themselves, watch the amount of bread.  Bread is loaded with starch that will break down into sugar.  This will spike your levels as your body processes the starch, turning it into sugar.  White bread that is enriched is the absolute worst offender.  A great alternative is whole grain bread.  You still have to be careful though.  It is best to get these types of items from a health food store.  You can consult the nutritionist to see if that particular bread is a good choice for you.

Dairy products are another thing to carefully consider when it comes to your diabetes meal plan.  Milk, cheese, and butter are not only bed for your insulin levels, they are also damaging to your heart and arteris as well.  That is a double whammy that you don’t need.  Definitely consult with your doctor to see what types of lactose free dairy options would fit well with your diabetes meal plan.  You will be thankful that you do not have to prick your finger every five minutes.


Finally, consider gluten free options.  They are popping up everywhere and are great add ins or substitutions for any diabetic recipes.  These products lack the starch that turns into sugar most easily and is therefore the most damaging to your condition.  Browse the grocery store for some inspiration.  You will be amazed at the gluten free alternatives that are on the shelves that can easily replace some of the foods you love.  All it takes is a little creativity and the willingness to go on a grocery store scavenger hunt. For diabetic desserts you can use fresh fruits with yogurt recipes.


Diabetic Diet Management

The long and short of it is this, there are many ways to eat safely if you have diabetes.  There are many diabetes meal plans options for you.  The trick is picking one you like and consulting with your doctor to make sure it is safe for you to use.  Everything from vegetable heavy to protein packed plans are available.  It can be hard to choose if you look at all of the diabetes meal plans that are available.


Yet if you look at it for what it is, you have thousands of meal options available to you!  This means you will never get bored as you construct your diabetes meal plans.  You have a condition, but your condition does not have you.  I know many people who live with diabetes that lead perfectly normal lives.  More normal than mine in fact.  It makes me think sometimes that maybe I should choose a diabetes meal plan in lieu of some of the things I eat.

Check out a useful recipe to make a healthy Whey Smoothie

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