Small Tips, Great Results

Here are some little tricks that you can use to help cut the calories and get around the temptations which threaten your diet;


Pizza Dabbing:


Dab the pizza slice with a paper towel to remove the extra oil. In this way, you will be able to reduce your fat intake by almost a tea spoon of oil per slice. If you were to eat a slice every week for over a year, you will be eliminating a full cup of fat. So enjoy your guilt free pizza.

Juice it Up

Exchange your can pop with a glass of tomato juice or other juicing recipes. On top of the nutrients that the fruit and vegetables juice would provide your body with, your system would not be overloaded with chemicals and toxin residues that accompany the artificial colors and flavors. Check out our Smoothie Diet and Juicing Recipes for Weight Loss


Ready to Eat Veggies

You could eat your veggies rigt out of the bag. That way, you will have no excuse of being tired or no time to prepare healthy snacks. Pack these good old veggies in a container and take them with you to work or school.


Water Down the Juice


Add water to fruit juice to reduce calories intake and to fill your stomach so you can feel full and eat less. this tip makes a  good compromise when you are watching your waistlines.  Make sure that the juice that you start with is a real juice.

Stick to these tips and you will be losing pounds from all over you body while enjoying the food you love.

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