Benefits of Green Tea Diet

There is extensive research that has been conducted on the benefits of a green tea diet all over the world, and it has revealed that green tea positively affects various systems of the human body. Green tea contains a high concentration of antioxidants, and minerals which are considered to be key when it comes to recovery from a number of diseases. Following are some of the key benefits of following a green tea diet.

Enhance and Improve The Immune System of The Body

Antioxidants are always helpful in strengthening the digestive system, and overall digestive traits of the body. Antioxidants are also helpful in stopping the chain reactions for diereses which are often caused by free radicals. Green tea contains polyphenols which are extremely helpful for the enhancement of the body’s immune system. It has been revealed in research that 300 to 400 mg of polyphenols (approx 4 cups of green tea) every day is enough to normalize your immune and digestive system, and digestive system..

Helpful in Avoiding Cancer

Green tea diets are an effective proactive step for preventing the deadly disease of cancer. According to experts, drinking sufficient quantities green tea is one of the most effective, and practical methods of avoiding all types of cancer especially digestive, and urinary cancers. Green tea diet is also helpful in enhancing the white blood cells during chemotherapy, and various other cancer treatments.

Good For Your Heart

Often avoiding high cholesterol food is not enough to control the level of cholesterol in your blood stream. Green tea is an excellent way of reducing cholesterol levels in your blood. Even if you eat high cholesterol food, when you drink green tea, your body does not absorb that fat. Green tea often acts as a blood thinner, and it also helps in relaxing blood vessels, which means blood circulation remains at a normal level, and the chances of developing heart disease is reduced considerably.

Good for Avoiding Cavities

Green tea contains some of the most effective cavity fighters such as fluoride, and drinking a sufficient quantity of green tea promotes healthy teeth. Besides that, the polyphenols found in green tea are helpful in fighting against the bacteria develops in your mouth. You can also give one cup of green tea to children to help avoid dental problems.

Green Tea Diet as Supplement for Weight Loss

This is what made green teat famous. The green tea diet is used as an effective aid for weight loss all over the world. If you drink a cup of tea after each meal, it will improve your metabolism. Each serving of green tea contains only 4 calories, and you gain maximum effectiveness when you take it without adding anything. Green tea also contains caffeine which helps in burning more calories. With caffeine burning the calories, and polyphenol digesting the fat, it is now wonder to see why green tea diets have become so popular. It is also one of the only all natural methods out there on the market!

The above mentioned benefits of green tea are just a few known advantages of including green tea in your daily diet. There are a number of other benefits that go along with this important drink, and the research on the benefits of green tea is an ongoing global phenomenon. However, for those who want to avoid heart problems and keep their digestive system working properly, green teat is a must to include as a part of your daily diet routine. The importance of a green tea diet just makes sense. Incorporate it into your weight loss efforts and you will not be disappointed.


Blueberry and Green Tea Sangria

1/8 cup of blueberries

1/8 cup of raspberry

mint and basil leaves

1/4 cup of pomegranate juice

1/4 cup of seeped cold green tea

1/4 cup of cold water

splash of ginger ale

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