Cancer Fighting Foods for Men
|Cancer is one of the number one killers among males. It is up there along with heart attacks and strokes, killing millions of people each year. It takes quite a bit of discipline and lifestyle changes in order to avoid these diseases, and one of the most important things to watch out for are the things that we eat. Fortunately, research has provided us with some cancer fighting foods that will lower the risks of certain types of cancers, and there are a lot of healthy recipes that you can find in order to remain sickness free.
List of Cancer Fighting Foods for Men
At the top of the list are fruits and vegetables. These include broccoli, brussels sprouts, peas, spinach, tomatoes, garlic, pears, and oranges. You can find a lot of healthy recipes that incorporate these cancer fighting foods, such as for soups as well as salads. Of course, you can eat these raw. Aside from their cancer fighting abilities, they are also a good source of vitamins and minerals and contain very low calories, which means that they can help curb your hunger without you gaining a lot of weight.
For protein, lean chicken or turkey as well as fishes are the best sources. Healthy recipes for these require that these be broiled or steamed. Refrain from deep frying dishes as this will increase its fat content, and some studies show that roasting foods or having them cooked directly over fire can cause the development of carcinogens as well.
Dairy can also be incorporated into some healthy recipes. Items such as eggs or milk are also a good source of protein and it can also supplement your daily requirements for fat. You can research on healthy recipes of these items, especially during breakfast where your body would require them the most.
For oils, olive oil and canola oil are the best, and these could be used for a variety of healthy dishes such as for salads and pasta. Olive oil can also be consumed daily, and is a staple in most Italian and Greek dishes. Make sure that you get the extra virgin kind, as these provide the most benefits to your body despite being a bit on the expensive side.
It is also recommended that you eat healthy foods such as nuts, specifically almonds, and popcorn as an alternative to preservative laden junk foods. The more organic and the less preservatives included in your food, the better.
Along with healthy recipes incorporating cancer fighting foods, you can also drink some beverages that contain cancer fighting ingredients such as red wine. Wine, which is made from grapes, contains compounds that help improve cell renewal and prevent cancer cells from appearing. Drinking tea is also desirable as these contain several antioxidants that help clean the body and strengthen the immune system.
More Tips Other Than Cancer Fighting Foods

You can research on tons of healthy recipes that can help you create great tasting and nutritious cancer fighting foods. Still, it is important to maintain a healthy lifestyle aside from eating the right kind of cancer fighting foods. Maintain a good exercise routine and refrain from vices such as drinking alcohol and smoking. Also, try to keep a positive outlook in life and avoid getting stressed, and you are more or less assured of a healthy and cancer free life.
For some healthy recipes for cancer fighting foods, you can research the Internet and find some great tasting dishes that will not only satisfy your hunger and cravings, but would be extremely good for you health wise, as well. Remember that you are what you eat, and eating healthy dishes is only the first step towards a healthier and fitter body.